To inspire and share the creativity of Maui and Hawaii’s diversity of products and help build and strengthen communities that connect

Vendor & Merchant Application
All participants will be based on eligility and the following criteria
- Carry the spirit of Aloha.
- All business are in good standing in the state of Hawaii.
- Products need other be inspired and created in Hawaii, no imported only goods.
- Any perishable or packaged foods need to hold a freshness period. applicable to product and its contents with method of sale and cary dept. of health food permit.
- Complete Vendor & Merchant Application and Hold Harmless Form.
Online Makeke
- All orders must be mailed out within 24 hours upon notification of payment.
- Any perishable or packaged foods need to hold a 90 day freshness.
- All online activities will be communicated and shared with Kihei Web Design and KMM.
- Be able to have a consistent movement of product.
On island Makeke
- Vendors are responsible for own tables, tents, chairs, etc ad items needed for booth.
- All food products must be registered or carry necessary permits guided by state of Hawaii dept of health.
- Vendors myst be able to participate for entire time of market 8:00AM-12:00Noon.