After moving to Maui, Jen and I knew the best way to make new friends, was live Aloha and share great food. Using the right spice blends helps to ensure the great food part. One day while working on a new blend I mistakenly used 2 spices that were different from what I was trying to make. From that mistake Big Haole’s Original All-Purpose Seasoning was born.
We started out giving spice away until the requests were too much. It was then that we decided to turn Paia Spice Company into a reality. At first, we made up bottles of Original and our neighbor Kaleo Amadeo would take them to Ho’okipa Beach Park and sell to his surfing buddies that were BBQing on the beach.
Once we knew we had a winner we began to work on other blends. It takes about 6 months once a blend is started until it reaches retail ready. In just over 2 years we now have 7 blends. What we strive to do with each, and every blend is create something you cannot already buy in the store. To accomplish this, we use more herbs and spices to get more aromatic and bold flavors. All while staying the “The Local Spice at a Local Price”.
Jen and I thank each and everyone of you who have purchased “Aloha for Your Food”! And of course, supported our small local business.

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